Bridge to a more bullish future?

In just 15 minutes, experts offer their insights on the markets at midyear and ways you can prepare for the potential opportunities and risks ahead.

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Bridge to a more bullish future?

In just 15 minutes, experts offer their insights on the markets at midyear and ways you can prepare for the potential opportunities and risks ahead.

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Merrill Lynch

The Dyrek Goehring Group

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Merrill Lynch
Wealth Management

At the Dyrek Goehring Group, we have ambitious goals. We want to help you thrive, ease your financial concerns, and restore precious free time to your life.

We are different by design—motivated, high striving, and genuine in our desire to be better, every day.


The right advice, at the right time, can have a big impact on people’s lives.

At the Dyrek Goehring Group, we look to help people make sound decisions about their lives—supporting their finances, their families, their careers, and their priorities.

Speak with us for a few minutes, and we think you’ll hear something different. We are humble, hard-working, and diligent. But possibly more important, we are inspired—inspired by the clients we serve, inspired to help people realize their ambitions, and inspired to be better, every day.

We believe in relationships—not transactions. We listen, rather than dictate. And we focus on your priorities, embracing them as our own.

Here are a few of the ways that we look to provide a different kind of client experience: 

  • A welcoming environment. We believe in the value of what we do, and we’re gratified to have a meaningful impact on people’s lives. As a result, we strive to say “yes”—to advise people at different life stages, from matriarchs and patriarchs through millennials and Gen Z. Clients come to us from diverse background, including executives, business owners, professionals, and others who have forged their own unique paths to wealth.

  • A reliable resource. We look to serve as a single, reliable resource for clients’ needs—large or small. If an issue is important to a client, it is important to us. We’ve served four generations of client families—a continuity that makes us proud. We tend to develop deep, long-lasting relationships, walking with clients through significant points in their lives and legacies.

  • A small-town feel within a leading firm. Our founder, Chris Dyrek, has worked at Merrill since 1984. He’s joined by fellow Financial Advisor Jason Goehring and our Client Associates, Jennifer Henderson and Steven Soriano. We believe Merrill offers clients stability, reliability, and resources that are unmatched. Within that structure, our group generates a “small town” feel, where clients know that they are known, understood, and appreciated. Our practice is home grown—built relationship by relationship, allowing us to foster a closeness that demonstrates each client’s importance.

We welcome the opportunity to connect with you about your needs and interests. To speak with one of our Advisors, please see the red “Contact Us” button at the top of our webpage.

How We Can Help

People come to us for a variety of needs. Some have a particular goal in mind—selling a business, diversifying a concentrated portfolio, passing along wealth to the next generation, or financing a major purchase. 

Others come to us because they want a balanced perspective on a critical question: Are they on track? They want to know if they are saving enough, investing in a thoughtful way, and creating a pathway to their distinctive goals. 

Each person is different—a variability that makes our work very rewarding. We’re energized by each client’s story—helping people move from where they are to where they want to be. 

Together, we look to create a highly customized approach to each person’s interests and needs. Here are a few of the ways we can help:

  • We lend depth and organization to your financial life. We feel that our knowledge is difficult to replicate. We have helped many clients over many years, unwinding the intricacies of their wealth and creating a more cohesive whole. We believe that our education, professional designations, and practical experience have added to our ability to provide thoughtful advice and guidance.

  • We are forward looking, rational, and disciplined. Our team founder, Chris Dyrek, has witnessed varied market conditions over the course of his career—bull markets, bear markets, geopolitical disruptions, and substantial volatility. He offers refined judgment and a seasoned perspective, grounding his approach in fundamentals: controlling the controllable, anticipating rather than reacting, diversification, and tax-sensitive investing.

  • We restore precious free time to your life. One advantage of wealth is the ability to focus on other priorities. Our team is skilled in uncovering possible efficiencies across multiple contexts of your wealth, bringing you new ideas to help advance your goals, steadily and methodically. We apply our own insights, as well as those of specialists at the firm, to help you reduce complexity and gain confidence in pursuing the future you envision.

Merrill, its affiliates, and financial advisors do not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice. You should consult your legal and/or tax advisors before making any financial decisions.

Different by Design

We set out to be different: to work harder, to be more attentive to client priorities, to bring our full complement of talents and strengths to our work.

We’re proud, but never satisfied. We know there’s more work to be done. 

We nurture an ambitious vision of continuous improvement. We believe we’re better today than we were yesterday, and we look forward to being better tomorrow than we are today.  

This mindset, we believe, generates an energy and enthusiasm for our work that clients can discern:


  • A diverse spectrum of experiences. We’ve built our team, purposefully and incrementally, to assemble the resources clients need to thrive. We offer the wisdom and judgment of experience coupled with the energy and dynamism of youth. We also bring different perspectives, backgrounds, and skillsets. That vibrancy, we believe, lends tangible value to the people we serve. Our structure allows us to serve as a reliable guide for decades to come.

  • An emphasis on client ease. Our goal is to make life easier and simpler for clients. When clients contact our team, they reach a person who cares about them—not an automated system. From Advisors through Associates, we look for ways to save clients time and aggravation. Our founder, Chris Dyrek, maintains that “complication is a tariff on time." We look to remove that barrier—to resolve headaches and streamline issues so that clients can enjoy greater satisfaction from their wealth.

  • An aspirational perspective on wealth. The clients we serve typically have a purpose for their money. They want to do more than just accumulate riches. For many, that purpose involves taking care of their loved ones, creating additional opportunities for successive generations, or supporting their favorite causes. They also tend to see their wealth as a tool, more than an end result.

Stop by our office, and you’ll see the scope of aspirations that clients have nurtured and attained. We have photos of  once-in-a-lifetime family vacations, a Tartan sailboat named Peregrine, second homes and vacation properties, collectibles from decades past, RVs, a Ford Mustang E GT, hunting trips, mountain climbing adventures, rare motorcycles, college educations and graduations, a 2008 Aston Martin named “Anna Maria,” horses, exotic scuba-dive trips, and new business ventures. These mementos are reflections of clients’ “lives well lived,” and we’re gratified to have had a hand in their development.

Service in Action

Service in Action

Our team believes in the value of service. We don’t simply speak about this ideal—we live it through our actions. We believe there are many ways to serve—a kind word, an extra step to make someone’s life easier, a facilitated introduction, a phone call to keep someone apprised of progress.

We take service seriously, striving to exceed expectations:


  • We speak directly with clients. We believe in the priceless value of human contact. To that end, we welcome client interaction – by phone and in person. In a world of automated systems and phone directories, we take pride in our ability to offer a warm and welcoming presence when clients have questions or needs.

  • We watch out for the details. We’re not perfect—but we do aspire to be. To that end, we’re mindful of the small details that underpin our work. We know that taking a few extra minutes to double-check something can save considerable time and effort in the long run.

  • We lean on a broad network. If we don’t know the answer to something, we likely know someone who does. Our goal is to be helpful, in ways large or small. We’re skilled in connecting people to the resources they need, whether inside our team, across the larger enterprise, or among a robust network of relationships.

To discuss your needs with one of our Advisors, please see the red “Contact Us” button at the top of our webpage. We’re happy to speak with you.

Meet the Team

Supported by the global resources of Merrill, our team is comprised of talented and experienced individuals committed to building strong client relationships based on trust and personalized service.

Additional Resources

The following specialists do not make securities recommendations. Please contact your Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Advisor if you have questions about how a specialist might be able to assist you.

Grace Chung

Senior Wealth Management Lending Officer

Bank of America, N.A.

NMLS #637495

Ally Bowdoin

Wealth Strategies Advisor

Bank of America, N.A.

Guillermo Mier

Wealth Management Banking Specialist


Staying on Track

We understand that both your life and the financial markets can change over time. By checking in to discuss changes in your life and revisiting your financial approach, our goal is to help you stay on track to achieve what's most important to you.

Reviews to help you
stay on track

We’ll meet with you to review your goals and the progress you’ve made toward reaching them. We’ll also discuss any adjustments needed to your financial approach to help you stay on course.

    Changes in your life
    and to your goals

    Your life and goals change. As these changes occur, we can update your approach to reflect them.


    MyMerrill is your online destination for access to your financial information, secure communications, and a robust offering of tools and capabilities.

    Your advisor is a click away within our site or mobile apps

    You can manage account security with our customizable security capabilities such as touch ID, one time passcode, and other security features

    Access to your complete financial life is available with My Financial Picture, Merrill’s asset aggregation tool

      Let’s Have a Conversation

      Helping you reach your goals starts with getting to know you personally. Through understanding what matters most to you, together we can help you create a financial approach that reflects your personality. Only then can we offer an approach that is built around your life priorities and the advice you need to help you address fluctuations in the market and changes in your life. Let’s work together to help you achieve your goals.

      Why Merrill?

      As Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Advisors, we will sort through the financial complexities of your life, helping you build a customized investment approach to address your needs and pursue your goals.


      We put you first, every day.
      Learn more about the dedicated one-on-one relationship you can have with a Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Advisor.

      Anthem video thumb.jpg 
      Transcript of Video 

      No question too big or moment too small
      For every question you have, every decision you make and every answer you need, we are with you to listen and help guide you along the many paths your life can take. Watch this video to see some questions we can address together.

      The Power of the Right Advisor®
      Working with a dedicated Merrill advisor means you get personalized investment strategies from Merrill plus access to comprehensive financial solutions only Bank of America can deliver.

      Personalized advice from a dedicated financial advisor.

      We get to know you and your family, your financial situation and what matters most to you.

      A comprehensive approach, built around your life’s priorities.

      Drawing from our experience and the best thinking of Merrill, together we will design an approach that reflects your unique needs, priorities and financial situation.

      Adjusting your investment approach as your life and the markets change.

      We will work to help you stay on track, regardless of what the markets are doing.