Lindhorst Montague Group

Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
500 Broadway St
Vancouver, WA 98660
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Whatever your personal goals may be, we will work together with you, one-on-one, to develop a personalized financial strategy designed to help you pursue your long-term goals.
Lindhorst Montague Group
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management

The Lindhorst Montague Group places the investor at the center of the wealth management process - while maintaing a market focus. We enjoy helping clients through difficult financial transitions and decisions that occur in their lives. We start with a converstation, building a foundation that helps us understand your risk tolerance, time horizon, liquidity needs, priorities and unique financial concerns. From there, discipline financial strategies can be customized, drawing upon the investment insights of Merrill and with access to the banking convenience of Bank of America.

As your life and the markets change, we will meet to track and adjust strategy, as needed. The range of our services provided include:

* Retirement Plans
* Trust & Estates
* Credit and Lending
* Cash Management
* Insurance Strategies
* Education Funding

About Us

We believe the best financial approach is the one that helps you pursue your goals. That's why, from the start, we talk about your aspirations and encourage you to ask questions about issues that matter most to you. Calculating how to manage future health care expenses? College on the horizon? Considering the sale of a business or purchase of a home? Preparing to pass your wealth to future generations? It all starts with a plan intended to help you manage, grow, and preserve your wealth today, while also considering the impact it can have for years to come. With access to the investment insights of Merrill and banking solutions from Bank of America, We will work with you to develop an approach designed to help address your financial needs.

Meet Our Team
Michael W Lindhorst, ChFC®,CRPC™
Senior Vice President, Wealth Management Advisor
Trent W Montague, CFP®,CPFA™
Senior Vice President, Senior Resident Director - Wealth Management Advisor
Matthew Merrill Montague, CPFA™
Financial Advisor
Brittany M Miller
Officer, Registered Wealth Management Client Associate
Erin Sanchez
Assistant Vice President, Wealth Management Associate
Sabrina Hulse
Wealth Management Client Associate
Additional Resources
The following specialists do not make securities recommendations. Please contact your Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Advisor if you have questions about how a specialist might be able to assist you.
Melissa VanMetre
Wealth Management Banking Specialist
About Merrill

Bringing fresh perspectives to your financial life

The financial decisions you make today can help determine the future you build for yourself and your family. Carving a clear path forward starts with connecting your life and finances. A Merrill advisor provides access to the investing insights of Merrill and banking capabilities of Bank of America to help you make informed decisions as you pursue your goals.

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Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor™, CRPC™, and the CRPC™ logo are certification marks or registered certification marks of The College for Financial Planning Institutes Corp. in the United States.
Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, and the CFP® (with plaque design) in the United States, which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.